Public Litter Bin - 120L
A huge 120L capacity public litter bin that offers a larger waste capacity than most litter bins. Designed to store general waste in public areas this public litter bin is ideal for spaces with heavy traffic. Its twist lockable design prevents passers-by from opening the frame of the bin and key lockable frame ensures only authorised users can empty the bin, preventing littering. Galvanised steel liner for durable longevity and made from recycled material. Can be set up freestanding or fixed. Available in colours: Black, Yellow, Green, Blue, Red.
Product Dimensions: (H) 1130mm x (D) 600mm | Weight: 10KG
Quickest Available Delivery: Quickest Available Delivery: 5 Day Delivery
Designed to store up to 120L of general waste this immense public litter bin ensures pedestrians can dispose of their waste safely. Commonly seen in busy public and urban areas this bin is placed to withhold large quantities of waste before being emptied. Locked under twist and key the bin can only be emptied by authorised individuals, preventing the theft of waste and minimising littering. With its 2 piece design that allows touch-free disposal of waste the bin is manufactured for longevity with its UV MDPE plastic frame and steel galvanised liner.
Product Features:
- 120L capacity
- Easy to use – huge opening
- Manufactured from UV MDPE plastic
- Touch free bin disposal
- Prevents littering
- Freestanding or fixed application
Product Specifications:
(H) 1130mm x (D) 600mm | Weight: 10KG
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